A Simple Behavior Strategy for Blurting Out

Ever feel like your classroom is a lively zoo where the Blurting Beast is the star attraction? 🦁 Fear not! I’ve got a game-changing behavior strategy up my sleeve that’s as simple as it is effective to decrease blurting out.

Introducing… drumroll, please… the Red-Green Card Magic! 🚦🌈

What's the deal?

Picture this: a nifty card, red on one side, green on the other. It’s your ticket to creating a harmonious classroom vibe. When that card’s on the green side, it’s all systems go for chatter. Flip it to red, and we’re in stealth mode – quiet voices only.  Watch your student’s blurting out behavior fade into the wind.

Why the Red-Green card?

Well, my friends, it’s all about balance. We want that card flashing green like a neon sign at a dance party. When it’s green, that’s our cue to sprinkle positive attention on our student. A little chat here, a thumbs-up there – it’s a green-light extravaganza!

Turning Red into a superpower

But what about the red side, you ask? That’s our secret weapon. Flipping to red isn’t a punishment; it’s a chance for a superhero transformation. We’re teaching our kiddos the awesome power of a quiet voice. Shhh… it’s our little secret to becoming Classroom Avengers!

Top tips for maximum Green time

  1. Catch Them Being Good: Reinforce those green moments with positive vibes- and make sure there are plenty of them!
  2. Model and Praise: Show them the quiet voice magic and heap on the praise.
  3. Keep it Visual: Keep  the visual easily accessible around the room.  Maybe even put it on a keyring?

In a nutshell

The Red-Green Card strategy is the superhero cape your classroom deserves. It’s simple, visual, and – dare I say it – kinda fun! Ready to transform your room into a hub of respectful chatter?  Give it a try, and watch the magic unfold.  Watch blurting out behavior disappear.  


blurting out behavior strategy


Get the freebie!

Thought I forgot?  Try the Red-Green card for FREE by clicking here.  You won’t regret it!

The other piece to the puzzle

Pairing the Red-Green card with a good ole token board is vital!  Check out these amazing token board resources while you’re at it.

All Sorts of Token Boards

Board Game Token Charts

Learn to Make an Image Reveal Token Board

a red card that says "time to work" and a green card that says "time to play" - my favorite behavior strategy

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