Intro to the Writing Process for Special Ed


Teach students with autism and special needs how to engage in the writing process- brainstorm, plan, draft, brainstorm, and celebrate! Students with autism who have difficulty writing CAN participate in the writing process with this unit.

Do you struggle to reach your learners who access the general ed curriculum and those who access the adapted curriculum simultaneously? Then this unit is for you!

This unit is intended to reach all your exceptional learners with various levels of differentiation. It is excellent for setting the stage for writing instruction at the beginning of the school year.

I have always had a hard time meeting the needs of my students on grade level and the adapted curriculum track. This unit meets both needs at the same time.

Two levels are included:

Level 1- No physical writing- cut/paste or circle/daub the answer- (adapted curriculum)

Level 2- writing (general education curriculum)

What’s Included?

  • “Writing Goal” craft
  • Writer’s Notebook covers (4 choices)
  • Seven Anchor Charts (great for mini-lessons!)- The Writing Process, Editing Checklist, Punctuation, “A” vs. “An,” When to Use Uppercase Letters, Transition words, What Makes a Sentence?
  • 28 Differentiated worksheets to practice the skills included on the anchor charts
  • Cut/Paste Writing process pages for brainstorm, plan, draft, revise/edit, and publish
  • Includes 10 writing topics + editable pages to create your own writing topics!
    • family, cats, dogs, vacation, computers, food, flowers, weather, outerspace
  • **You must open this resource in Adobe to access the editable feature

Check out this blog post where I show how I use this resource in my classroom!


This resource covers the following Virginia SOLs for grades 1-3

1.12b- use prewriting activities to generate ideas

1.12c- focus on one topic

1.2d- organize writing to suite a purpose

1.2g- use letters to phonetically spell words

1.2h- share writing with others

2.10a- understand writing as a process

2.10c-use prewriting strategies to generate ideas before writing

2.10e- organize writing to include a beginning, middle, and end

2.10i- revise writing for clarity

2.11- The student will edit for capitalization, punctuation, spelling, and Standard English

3.8a- engage in writing as a process

3.8c- use a variety of prewriting strategies

3.8d- use organizational strategies to structure writing according to type.

3.9- The student will edit for capitalization, punctuation, spelling, and Standard English.


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