
Easy End-of-Year Activities

The end of year is here, and all you want to do is pack up your classroom and not look back when that last day arrives!  When you pack most things away, you still need some things for students to do.  Check out each end-of-year activity below that won’t cost much and has essentially no prep.

elementary kids going down the stairs excited for end of school

Shaving Cream Fun!

Still have some shaving cream left in your cabinet?  Shaving cream is such an easy, fun end-of-year activity that keeps kids entertained!  It even makes the room smell great and students can help clean the tables at the end of the year.

Leftover Crafting

Every year that I clean out my craft closet, I always find random craft supplies- a few cotton balls, scraps of paper, etc.  Place these items on the table with some scissors and glue.  Have students create whatever they want!  I’ve had some students create some pretty creative projects using my leftover crafting supplies.  You may even be addressing some IEP goals during this time- working independently, completing a task, or fine motor goals like cutting and tracing!

Parachute Fun

All you need is yarn, tissue paper, and a hole puncher to make a parachute!  Cut a square of tissue paper and punch holes in all four corners.  Lace the yarn through the holes and gather at the middle.  Have students go outside and test their parachute from different heights!  Think about trying at the top of the playground slide, from the top of a hill, etc.  This is a favorite end-of-year activity that can take a whole afternoon.

girl holding a DIY parachute

Make Tents for Reading Time

Throw a few blankets over the table and read books underneath! You could also turn off the lights and use flashlights for some extra end-of-year fun!  

Dance Party

Grab a disco ball and have an end-of-year dance party!  Clear an open space in the classroom and play upbeat music. Encourage students to dance and move freely, showcasing their own dance moves or following simple choreography. You could even create awards for the best dancers.

Theater Puppets

Choose a favorite storybook from the classroom library and read it aloud to the students. Afterward, encourage them to create their own puppets using paper bags, craft sticks, or socks. They can then perform a puppet show based on the story, taking turns as storytellers and puppeteers.

puppet theater

Color on Bulletin Board Paper

Lay out a long piece of bulletin board or drawing paper on the floor! Let students draw, color, or paint.  I’ve had students that could color and draw for hours!  It’s such a simple thing, but a great end-of-year activity.

Outdoor Scavenger Hunt

Take the students outside for a fun scavenger hunt. Create a list of items related to nature, the school environment, or specific landmarks around the school. Students can work individually or in pairs to find and check off the items on their list. It’s a great way to get some fresh air and enjoy the outdoors.

boy on a nature walk

Bracelet Making

Create a fantastic fine motor activity! Have students make bracelets for their friends or family using yarn and various beads.  I’m sure you can find various crafting beads in your closet.  

Looking Ahead to Summer?

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