Rock Your Special Ed Classroom: A Guide to the Ultimate Reflection Toolkit

Teaching special education is an absolute rollercoaster, right? But guess what? You’re not just surviving; you’re thriving!  It might not feel like it, but you are! As we continue through the school year, it’s time to take a breather, sip some coffee, and carefully reflect.

I’ve always been a fan of quiet reflection.  Why?  Because I know that I’m a great teacher, but there is always room for growth.  Reflecting on areas that are going well and areas I can improve continuously helps me become a more intentional and resourceful special education teacher.  I can appreciate the progress that has been made so far this year.  (Yes, of course, there has been progress.)  But, I can also clearly see areas for growth. Sometimes it’s hard to see the progress or pinpoint exactly what’s not working until you systematically reflect on all areas of your self-contained classroom.

How exactly do I do that?

cozy up, and let's start setting goals!

Welcome to your secret weapon – the Classroom Reflection Toolkit! Designed to transform your teaching game, this toolkit is here to help you pinpoint 2 to 3 focus areas that’ll take your classroom from great to extraordinary.

I’ll walk you through eight focus areas of your self-contained classroom.  

  1. Classroom Set Up
  2. Whole Group Schedule
  3. Individual Student Schedules
  4. Student Reinforcement
  5. Transitions/Daily Routines
  6. Data Collection
  7. Student Progress Toward IEP Goals
  8. Classroom Staff

Then, I’ll ask some guiding questions to help you “rate your room.”  You’ll rate that area of your classroom on a scale from 1-5.  

Let’s talk about those tiny trouble spots – the ones that, with a bit of love, can turn into your classroom’s shining stars. The toolkit guides you through identifying and tweaking these areas, making your day smoother than ever.


Set an action plan!

After your thorough reflection, it’s time to narrow down your priorities.  Choose 2-3 areas you’d like to work on.  Then, brainstorm 2-3 action steps.  What can you do or try to improve in that area?  There are two types of action steps.

  1. Learning- conduct research by reading an article, blog post, podcast, or book to enhance your knowledge in that area
  2. Doing- make a physical change in your classroom such as adding new work bins, fixing a student’s token board, etc.

Ready to get started?  Click here to get the classroom reflection toolkit delivered to your inbox.  Hey, you may even get rewarded for completing the reflection and putting in the work for a smoother, more successful self-contained classroom.

Remember, reflection isn’t just about fixing problems; it’s about celebrating victories and growing continuously. It’s the secret sauce to creating a classroom that’s not just successful but extraordinary.

What's inside?

  1. Self-Audit Fun: Reflect on what’s working and what needs a sprinkle of magic.
  2. Focus Area Finder: Discover 2 to 3 key areas to jazz up in your classroom.
  3. Action Plan Builder: Turn reflections into actionable steps – because you’re not just dreaming; you’re doing!

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