
5 Things You Need to Do BEFORE Packing Up Your Classroom

As the end of the school year approaches, it’s time to start thinking about packing up your classroom and preparing for a fresh start when you return. Before you dive into the process, this blog post will guide you through 5 essential steps that will help you stay organized and make the transition smoother. From preserving your classroom setup to stocking up on supplies and jotting down new ideas, let’s explore these expert tips to ensure a stress-free summer break and a successful new school year.

Capture the Classroom: Take a Picture: Before dismantling your classroom setup, snap a picture of the room as it is now. This will serve as a visual reference when you’re setting up again after the summer break. It’s a small step that can save you time and frustration in August or September.

Refresh Visuals and Resources:  By the end of the school year, my visuals are peeling apart, pieces are missing to adapted books, and visual schedules are falling off the wall.  Create new copies of visuals and materials that you use daily in your self-contained classroom.  You absolutely know that you will need those visuals next year.  By creating fresh visuals in advance, you’ll be well-prepared for the next school year and save valuable time.  At the beginning of the new school year, I can focus on more important things like reviewing new IEPs, training paras, or creating new lesson plans.

handwashing visual schedule with one piece falling off

Take Inventory and Plan Ahead: Assess your classroom supplies and make a list of what you need to purchase over the summer. While it’s ideal for schools to provide necessary materials, it’s often necessary to buy additional supplies yourself. Taking inventory now will ensure that you have everything you need when setting up your classroom later.  Over the summer, when I don’t have access to my classroom, it is helpful to know what I need to purchase.  For example, Amazon usually has their “Prime Days” in July.  This is a great time to find supplies on sale that you actually need.

Organize the Homeless Items: Throughout the school year, it’s common to accumulate items that don’t have a designated place.  This year, I had the most “homeless” adapted book pieces ever in my 8 years of teaching!  Take time to help missing pieces find their home.  Then, make a list of pieces missing so that you can print and prep a new set for the new year.  By addressing them during your classroom setup for the new year, you’ll establish a more organized and efficient environment.

Document Ideas for Next Year: As you wind down the current school year, jot down any ideas or strategies you want to explore in the coming year. Summer break is a great time to engage in professional development and plan for future improvements. By capturing these ideas now, you’ll have a roadmap for your professional growth when you return.

To help you stay organized and plan ahead, click the button below to get the password for the FREE resource library.  I’ve included an end of year notes organizer to help your plan your summer prep.  Happy planning and enjoy your summer!

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